Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rah hoWard Featured in OnThaGrind.net Blog

Not By Sight
I wonder if other people feel the way I feel about this local rap shit. My opinion of it has been well documented...but surprisingly so, I'm not talking about the negative feelings about it. I'm talking about the feeling I have in terms of fixing it. My peers share some of the same opinions about the state of our industry, but I wonder does everybody feel the same way about the solution...yeah. See...it's easy to diagnose the problem or call out what you think is wrong with a certain situation, but are you willing to be part of the solution?

In my eyes, what I feel (and this is what I feel so if you don't agree, then stick to your feelings lol ) needs to happen for us to rise above this stagnate state of futility we are in is a simple act of selflessness. Forget about yourself. Make your music, and let it speak for itself. But instead of dedicating your time to putting yourself above other artists...put forth some time to listen to other artists. Even if it's trash, give them the respect of at least listening to their product. Until we get off this Me, Myself and Irene mentality, we'll just be another spot with a pool of untapped talent that ultimately were too proud to get out of their own way and let the music evolve and elevate us itself.

A month or so ago, My nygga Moe and I were at a hip-hop show. While there...we were approached by a gentlemen who recognized us by our shirts (we stay repp'n!!)!! So he walked up to me and he was like, "Couch with NorthRock right?" I was like...Yea. He was like..man...y'all shit tight fam. I just wanted to let you know I'm feeling y'all shit. I was like...appreciate that fam!! Followed by a firm pound and a man hug. He then leaned over and told my nygga Moe the same thing. Now...I'm sure other artists reading this are like..so what? People tell me that all the time! Well here's the catch. This "gentlemen" was an artist that performed at the show that night. And it just so happens it turned out that this was the nigga that won the showcase! lol Yea...I'm talking about Rah Howard. Some of you might be like..damn..he putting dude out there. Nahh....if I am putting him out there, I'm putting him out there as a nigga that don't get down like the majority of you other artists do! If I am putting him out there...I'm putting him out there in a light thats of a level headed, humble, positive nigga, which are RARE in our local rap scene! If I am putting him out there, I'm putting him out there as a nigga who can step out of himself and be a fan of someone else's music and mean it. Not just giving some politically correct opinion of somebody's music just cause you're face to face with them at this moment.

That made me smile! Not because I was in some self-promoting, egotistical sick zone stating to myself, "Tha nigga dat won the showcase told me he feeling MY music!!" No sir! It made me smile because a nigga that won was down and humble enough to know that its enough limelight to go around for everybody, and I don't mind giving another nigga his due, WHEN it's due! Not many niggas that can win a real showcase can say they can walk up to another nigga (THAT DIDNT EVEN PERFORM AT THE SHOW!) and give him his props on his material while still waiting to find out if and where he placed in the showcase. I thought long and hard about that when I left that show. Like...how many niggas would do that? Not many. Most niggas would be walking around trying to give themselves "false confidence". Like...the other acts were lame. Or....if they dont pick me they just hating (classic lol!). Here he is, waiting on his fate to be determined by the judges. And what is he concerned with...giving another artist genuine props!! That, my friends, displays character! He did his set, and he let his music speak for itself! He left the "act" on the stage! That was my first time meeting that gentelman and from that one encounter, I gathered more than the average person would gather from being around him probably 2 weeks!! We need more Rah Howards in our local rap game!!

It's that very attitude that the game as a whole needs to adopt! We got to support each other. As the winner's of that showcase were announced, I monitored and gauged the reactions of the artists that weren't selected. Some were supportive, but some...were haters! I saw you...lol! My nygga Moe pointed a couple of ya'll out to me! That may be the very reason why you didn't win shit. Because you "thought" you were "supposed" to win! The reactions said it all. Tisk, tisk!

Now..you may be wondering...why the hell did he name this blog "Not By Sight"? Well...for you christians you know that we walk by faith, and not by sight. We walk according to His laws and commandments and not by what we see here! So...that ties into this story by Rah having ultimate faith in his music. He wasn't pacing the floors looking to see who the judges are looking at or who they might have felt the most. He wasn't retracing his set trying to see where he may have messed up and hung himself. He had the utmost FAITH in his performance that he could let it speak for itself. So much that, he could even allow himself to be a fan for 20 seconds. In that 20 seconds...I learned alot about that dude. And I give him his props. Whether I dig his music or not...as a man...I respect fam! Take note...after all...that selfless act could be the very thing that led to him being announced as the winner of the showcase. I'm not saying him telling me I got good music is what won him the showcase...I'm saying the humility of being able to do such a thing...at such a time. After all...you know what they say...you reap what you sow, what goes around comes around. My man definitely planted a good seed in that small 20 second time frame!

Step outside of yourself....you never know what may come behind it!

On tha Rodman......


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